I don't know what this means. But it sure is entertaining. We'll take your money, don't worry, we use the christian way! (i love the line - "use the cash for ANYTHING!")
this is a dailychuppler(ha, yer already here!)ALERT - awarded 5 dammits! this has gotten my interest. i test sent emails to some of my contacts at aol with this link, aol scrubbed the link from the email before it was delivered. i tested it multiple times. CONCERNING! Even if you are still an aol user (hello? wake up!) that kinda activity should piss you off. actions here & here.
Dr. Oliver-Abrahams Thoraxmedml is dead. During the brilliant life of this unaccomplished writer and historian Olly did very little with his multiple medical degrees earned. This was proven when Olly found himself unexpectedly writing his own account of himself one fateful night and hopped to the kitchen for a snack and mortally wounded himself with various dull objects not usually associated with cooking. Olly enjoyed the finer things in life, yet he remained undecided as to how to fulfill his faits accomplis...