
Congress passed a $300 billion bailout for the mortgage lenders Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and the mortgage crisis was causing suicides. Wall Street got drunk, President George W. Bush told an audience at a fund-raiser. "Now it's got a hangover."

well, at least Wall Street isn't choking on a pretzel.


Savory Spam Crescents - Bake 12-15 minutes or until golden brown

i got this awesome spam - thought i'd share:

these are just the headers [i know!]

  • Man breaks arm in horror fall
  • 4 killed in car crash, dog thrown clear and survives
  • Bull goes on ramapage in Spanish town
  • Try, it is pleasing to you

and now for some harpers weekly:

Dozens of revelers at the Aquamarine Open Air Festival near Moscow were left partially blind after a laser light show burned their retinas, and members of Finland's Theater Totti debuted the world's first opera for the deaf. Performers conveyed the mood and tone of the nineteenth-century opera "The Hunt of King Charles" using sign language and body language, facial expressions, and two musicians. "I was afraid it would be a pitiful imitation of opera by the hearing," said Kaisa Alanne, the director of the Finnish Association of the Deaf, "but, oh, how wrong I was! It is as if a new form of art was born."

speedtest - careful!

Speakeasy Speed Test