the cat, and the end

Citing Schrodinger's cat, cosmologists speculated that humans' observation of dark matter, beginning in 1998, might bring about the premature destruction of the universe.

~ c/o harpers

sometimes, when i am sick at home, i get curious about these things


Anonymous said...

i searched for na zi/sata n ism in s au salito and a blog you made in '06 came up. you wrote that whomever was the satanist was a nice guy...i was wondering if in your opinion there are more than a handful in that town?

fizzing hari said...

re - satanist in sausalito: i have no idea. last i heard that nice guy was headed back to live with his fiancee in france.
i'm pretty sure they isn't a terrific amount of nazists in that town, but i may be wrong. as for satanists, they may be more likely.
good luck with your search for love.

john said...

Did you read the article in THE BELIEVER about Schrhttp://www.believermag.com/issues/200705/?read=article_galchenodinger's Cat? I have it at the house if you want to read the whole thing.

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