Oh man... you TOTALLY need to find DVDs of a show called "The Games" that was these guys doing TWO seasons of Australian Olympic officials prepping for the Australian summer games. SOme of the best satirical TV ever.
Dr. Oliver-Abrahams Thoraxmedml is dead. During the brilliant life of this unaccomplished writer and historian Olly did very little with his multiple medical degrees earned. This was proven when Olly found himself unexpectedly writing his own account of himself one fateful night and hopped to the kitchen for a snack and mortally wounded himself with various dull objects not usually associated with cooking. Olly enjoyed the finer things in life, yet he remained undecided as to how to fulfill his faits accomplis...
Oh man... you TOTALLY need to find DVDs of a show called "The Games" that was these guys doing TWO seasons of Australian Olympic officials prepping for the Australian summer games. SOme of the best satirical TV ever.
I saw The Games, it was terrific TV. John Clarke has the "clueless bureaucrat" thing down so well.
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