Savory Spam Crescents - Bake 12-15 minutes or until golden brown

i got this awesome spam - thought i'd share:

these are just the headers [i know!]

  • Man breaks arm in horror fall
  • 4 killed in car crash, dog thrown clear and survives
  • Bull goes on ramapage in Spanish town
  • Try, it is pleasing to you

and now for some harpers weekly:

Dozens of revelers at the Aquamarine Open Air Festival near Moscow were left partially blind after a laser light show burned their retinas, and members of Finland's Theater Totti debuted the world's first opera for the deaf. Performers conveyed the mood and tone of the nineteenth-century opera "The Hunt of King Charles" using sign language and body language, facial expressions, and two musicians. "I was afraid it would be a pitiful imitation of opera by the hearing," said Kaisa Alanne, the director of the Finnish Association of the Deaf, "but, oh, how wrong I was! It is as if a new form of art was born."

1 comment:

Nicebloke said...

Not a funny business - I got hit by a laser at a rock show and had an annoying spot in my vision for weeks. Had to have four visits to a specialist who dyed my blood so they could see if there was leakage in the retina indicating serious injury. Side-effect of the dye? You pee flourescent green for two days.

The spot went away eventually.

speedtest - careful!

Speakeasy Speed Test