database entry

hello please ~ from the temp job:
"1 navy blue purse, 1 cream colored sweater, 1 peach and cream colored sweater, 1 peach, navy & cream colored sweater, 1 green sweater w/ plastic flowers, 1 red sweater, 1 turquoise sweater w/ pink, peach, yellow and lavender design, 1 light pink sweater w/ gray and white stripes, 1 kevin trudeau tape and newsletters"

good thinking to be bringing the mp3 player today, I's thanks the cheebus!


smallerdemon said...

I have to ask... was this someone's... like personal to-do and personal inventory list?

Cement Brunette said...

no, it's his compensation. temping sucks.

fizzing hari said...

you are both correct.

speedtest - careful!

Speakeasy Speed Test