get yo harpers on (Or Works to Worse)

Ya'll remember when Ralph Nader ran for president? I'm paraphrasing
here, but he mentioned that in order for the political system and
the nation in general to become something that actually works, "it
would have to get a lot worse before it gets better".

You think this is what he meant (via harpers):

The Republican candidates for the presidency debated at the
Reagan Library in California.
* - Senator Sam Brownback of Kansas said that the day Roe v.
was repealed would be "a glorious day of human liberty
and freedom"
and that the current tax system "ought to be
taken behind a barn
and killed with a dull ax";
* - Senator John McCain of Arizona claimed that he would
"follow [
Osama bin Laden ] to the gates of hell";
* - Texas Congressman Ron Paul said that not going to war in
Iraq would
have been "conservative," because "it's a
Republican, it's
pro-American, it follows the Founding Fathers.
And besides, it
follows the Constitution."
* - California Congressman Duncan Hunter took responsibility
for the
border fence in San Diego. "It's a double fence," he said.
not that little straggly fence you see on CNN with
everybody getting
over it."
* - "No one on this stage," said former Arkansas governor Mike
"probably knows Hillary Clinton better than I do,"
to which former
New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani replied:
"Oh my!"

Collectively, the candidates invoked Reagan's name nearly 20
times. It was announced that Reagan's diaries would be published.

"Getting shot," he wrote in 1981, "hurts."

1 comment:

smallerdemon said...

Three of them... THREE don't believe in evolution. Sheesh.

BTW, I've added yo narrow ass to my RSS feeds at home. :)

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