yes. it's that time

to my friend, Este (who stubbornly refuses to write):

[stolen from harpers]

and in England, gingerists, or people with a bias against red hair, were subjecting the auburn-headed to slurs like “you ginger bastard” or “you right ginger whinger.” The Internet's storehouse of wisdom, information, and pornographic images was determined to weigh 0.2 millionths of an ounce.

Also, if you can't find me this week, there is a really good reason.

Salmo yeehaw!

finally, maybe i should be watching this show (thanks peebs):
Bubbles: Do you want to see a rocket go, Randy?
Randy: Does it really launch, Bubbles?
Bubbles: [rhetorically] Does it really launch? Does the tin man have a sheet metal cock?

[Ricky goes over the department store's public address system]
Ricky: Mr. Lahey and Randy to the Fuck-off department. Mr. Lahey and Randy to the Fuck-off department and hurry the fuck up!

P.S. - This just IN ~

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